Category Archives: Whites

Black Reverend Who Gave The Benediction At Obama’s First Inauguration Says All White People Are Going To Hell

Our nation is in the best of hands. Most people will yawn when they read the following because they don’t expect decent behavior from blacks. I guess you could call that defining deviancy down. I wonder how long white people … Continue reading

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Huffington Post Columnist: ‘Why I’m Tired of Seeing White People on the Big Screen’

Can you imagine any other racial group being singled out for hatred from a mainstream news organization strictly on the color of their skin? I can’t, yet whites come in for this racial abuse all the time. What would happen … Continue reading

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Can you imagine any other racial group being singled out for hatred from a mainstream news organization strictly on the color of their skin? I can’t, yet whites come in for this racial abuse all the time and they just … Continue reading

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What War On Whites?

Black lefty columnist Eugene Robinson writes for the WP: If there really were a “war on whites,” as a Republican congressman from Alabama ludicrously claims, it wouldn’t be going very well for the anti-white side. In 2012, the last year … Continue reading

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Yeshivas For Goyim!

I’m starting yeshivas for goyim and Bais Yaakovs for shiksas to encourage them to marry their own kind early and to have lots of kids and to propagate their heritage. Yes we can! Chaim Amalek: “The key question: can the … Continue reading

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