Category Archives: Whites

End Times

Imagine that the United States suffered another 9/11 type attack — or two or three of them — by Muslims, destroying trillion of dollars, plunging the economy into a depression, and ending the American way of life. Do you think … Continue reading

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Just As Israelis Become More Nationalistic, So Too Should The Goyim

David Remnick writes for The New Yorker: Last year, Rivlin denounced fans of Beitar Jerusalem, the soccer team of the city’s right wing, after they held up signs reading “Beitar Forever Pure” to protest the signing of two Muslim players … Continue reading

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Why Non-Jews Get Tired Of Being Hit Over The Head By The Holocaust

The Lubavitcher Rebbe did not want the Holocaust emphasized. He preferred to promote a positive Jewish identity that did not diminish whites and other groups. When the Holocaust is invoked in the West, it is usually to promote anti-white interests … Continue reading

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I Hope I’m Wrong About This Hateful Stereotype

A few years ago, I watched Philadelphia Eagle receiver DeSean Jackson catch a long pass against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday Night Football and run to the end zone unmolested but short of the goal line, he tossed the ball … Continue reading

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NPR: Plot For Peace – The Mysterious French Businessman Who Helped Overthrow Apartheid

So I’m listening to NPR this week and it is celebrating a new documentary, Plot for Peace, about a mysterious French businessman who plays a big role in overthrowing apartheid in South Africa. And as soon as I heard it, … Continue reading

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