Category Archives: Whites

What’s going on with Patton Oswalt?

REPORT: Last year he caught flak for tweeting an iSteve article about PC being a war on noticing. Then it came out that he’s been friends for some time with Jim Goad, the hilarious writer for Taki, who’s pretty much … Continue reading

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Drudge: Jew Hell In Paris

I watched the video. It captured the worst moments from ten hours of walking around all of Paris. Frankly, it did not seem that bad to me. Some Jews spit on Christians in Jerusalem and some Jews spit whenever they … Continue reading

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David Hazony: The Anti-Semitism We Never Talk About

He begins: “When a large number of foreign-policy experts—both Republicans and Democrats—falsely attribute many of the world’s ills to the Jewish state, they are channeling an ancient hatred. The time has come to say so.” Wow! That’s telling them! That’s … Continue reading

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The Sad Story Of Kayla Jean Mueller

How many well meaning white people have died trying to help the Middle East? I wish they would spend their efforts on their own kind. Kayla Jean Mueller is another case study in pathological altruism, like Rachel Corrie. They were … Continue reading

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Black Crime & White Guilt

From Accuracy In Media: In 2013 alone, 49,851 officers were assaulted with firearms, knives and other weapons. Over the past 10 years, on average, 150 police officers have been killed in the line of duty every year. Fifty-seven of these … Continue reading

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