Category Archives: Whites

Slate: White Supremacists to Hold Confab at the National Press Club the Weekend of CPAC

REPORT: If you’re in D.C. for CPAC weekend and interested in rubbing shoulders with white supremacists, the National Press Club has you covered. On the evening of Feb. 27, the Press Club will provide space in its downtown D.C. building … Continue reading

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What Do You Call White Traitors?

From the blog Just Not Said: Black people who do not show racial solidarity are sometimes called Uncle Toms. Black people deemed to be overly immersed in white culture are occasionally referred to as “Oreos.” (Just ask any college-educated black … Continue reading

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White Nationalists Fight Back Against Arizona State Professor Over ‘Whiteness’ Course

REPORT: An Arizona State University professor has received death threats from white supremacists and neo-Nazis after a Fox News report about the class he teaches on “the problem of whiteness.” Conservative bloggers have harshly criticized Lee Bebout, an associate professor … Continue reading

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Should Whites Get On Welfare?

Chaim Amalek: Breed first, worry about how to pay for them later. White people need to get with the program! Also, at this point it is about numbers and how to build them up. Just look at all the welfare … Continue reading

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UJA-President, Alisa Doctoroff, and Her Radical Support of Palestinian Non-Violent Activism

Jews are a serious people. They take their survival seriously. They don’t react well when their members offer aid and comfort to the enemy. Whites, on the other hand, are not a serious people. They don’t even conceive of themselves … Continue reading

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