Category Archives: Whites

MTV Says Black Women Can’t Be Racist

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A White Separatist’s Anti-Immigration Stance

Dawn M. Turner, Chicago Tribune, August 31, 2015: When I finished speaking with Richard Spencer on Sunday afternoon, I better understood why he vehemently opposes immigration, feels the white race will soon be a “hated minority” in America, and supports … Continue reading

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Weenie Whities Vs Crazy Crackas

Comments to Steve Sailer: Blue-state whites are “Weenie Whities” and Red-State whites are “Crazy Crackas.” …there are three regions where blacks appear to be kept more in line — 1) the Deep South plus the lower Appalachians, especially Tennessee and … Continue reading

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White Riot

Brett Stevens writes: Diversity creates racism. It does so by forcing groups into competition when they would rather live among their own and have self-determination, or the ability to rule themselves and choose their own future. Racism creates rancor, and … Continue reading

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White Nationalists Support Donald Trump

From Jared Taylor, who runs the site American Renaissance — which argues that “one of the most destructive myths of modern times is that people of all races have the same average intelligence” — is an avid supporter of … Continue reading

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