Category Archives: Whites

Whites Fight Back Against Anti-White Hostility

I hardly think Jews would take the crap that whites accept on a daily basis. A group that is too cowardly to take its own side in a fight probably doesn’t deserve to survive. From the Washington Post: A Facebook … Continue reading

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Five Scenarios For The White World

John Derbyshire writes: How will the mass invasions of European or European-founded nations by the wretched refuse of the Third World’s teeming shores work out? I see five scenarios: Scenario One: Absorption. All will be well. The migrants, in whatever … Continue reading

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Who’s Looking Out For Whites?

Steve Sailer writes: …there are virtually no respectable organizations that have it as part of their mission to care about the well-being of whites. In contrast, there are countless organizations scanning for statistics showing that blacks are getting a bad … Continue reading

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Poor White Americans Down, Diversity™ Up, Wage Gutting Up, Obesity Up, Anti-White Elite Up

Heartiste: Poor, middle-aged White Americans are dropping like flies. Their death rate “increased by 134 deaths per 100,000 people from 1999 to 2014.” The primary causes of the mortality increase for this group of maligned Americans are suicide, alcohol poisoning, … Continue reading

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The Rise In The White Death Rate

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Razib Khan points out that the rising death rates is exclusive to downscale whites. Read Charles Murray’s Coming Apart for how this cohort has changed since 1970. In addition, 45-54 is the peak suicide age … Continue reading

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