Category Archives: IQ

What’s wrong with Jews’ emphasis on intellect?

Dennis Prager writes: The fact is, there is no correlation between intellect and goodness. In fact, a disproportionate number of intellectuals, in the 20th century and today, have been, to put it bluntly, moral idiots — and therefore disproportionately supported … Continue reading

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Asians Are Most Realistic About White-black IQ Gap

I suspect that Jews are equally realistic about their things, particularly traditional Jews who are less PC. Comments at Steve Sailer: * So even after decades of ceaseless and increasingly virulent propaganda insisting that reality is not what it seems, … Continue reading

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LAT: Less shrinkage: This is your aging brain on the Mediterranean diet

So brain volume and fast reaction times correlate with intelligence and lifespan? Los Angeles Times: The aging brain is a shrinking brain, and a shrinking brain is, generally speaking, a brain whose performance and reaction time are declining: That is … Continue reading

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“Not Sending Their Best”: World Map of IQ Drop Due to Immigration

Article Average IQ across world:

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Race & Intelligence

From InfoGalactic: The existence of a link between race and intelligence has been repeatedly observed by scientists, but remains extremely controversial. Research suggests that the average IQ score of East Asians is higher than that of Europeans, and the average … Continue reading

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