Category Archives: IQ

Should We Live By Noble Lies?

My bias is that it is better to live by truth, particularly in public discussions (more important there than in private matters). A goy says: I was realizing that I do have a significant hang-up about the race & IQ … Continue reading

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The Explanatory Power Of IQ

Larry says: “Either intelligence explains stuff and black poverty is natural and Jewish overrepresentation is natural, or else black poverty is a problem and Jewish overrepresentation is a problem.” You’re talking about social facts in purely abstract terms and omitting … Continue reading

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The High IQ of Abraham’s Children

An interview with John Entine: What are the most important findings from your book? Abraham’s Children is a sequel of sorts to a previous book, Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We’re Afraid to Talk About It. Both … Continue reading

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Toby Young On Race, IQ & Genetic Determinism

According to Wikipedia: In 2015, Young wrote an article for the Australian magazine Quadrant entitled “The fall of meritocracy”. In it he advocated what he termed “progressive eugenics”. Young proposed that when the technology for genetically engineered intelligence is practical … Continue reading

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Who’s The Leading Black Classical Music Composer?

Richard Lynn writes in his book Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis: * The low musical abilities of Africans, except for their strong sense of rhythm, are consistent with their generally poor achievements in classical music. There are no … Continue reading

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