Category Archives: IQ

Car Crash Rates Equal Average IQ Levels


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Anatoly Karlin: National Wealth and IQ at the Edge: American Exceptionalism, East Asian Mediocrity

Anatoly Karlin writes: Japan has a 5-7 IQ advantage over, say, Italy, but its GDP per capita (PPP) is similar, while its productivity is significantly lower – even though Japan rates higher on ease of business and perception of corruption … Continue reading

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When The US Military Let In The Below 85 IQ Crowd

Steve Sailer writes: The 1980 hostage rescue fiasco in Iran was during the 1976-1980 period when the military had accidentally (?) misnormed its AFQT score minimums and let in a lot of real dullards. Sen. Sam Nunn kept insisting to … Continue reading

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Average Filipino IQ is 86

National IQ scores. New York Post: Filipino devotees nailed to cross in Crucifixion re-enactment

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Asians And THE BELL CURVE In Fairfax, VA–Diversity Or Meritocracy?

Patrick Buchanan writes: A voracious and eclectic reader, President Nixon instructed me to send him every few weeks 10 articles he would not normally see that were on interesting or important issues. In 1971, I sent him an essay from … Continue reading

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