Category Archives: IQ

Racial and ethnic differences in psychopathic personality

By Richard Lynn in 2012: Abstract: This paper proposes that there are racial and ethnic differences in psychopathic personality conceptualised as a continuously distributed trait, such that high values of the trait are present in blacks and Native Americans, intermediate … Continue reading

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Gregory Cochran Reviews New Book On Iq – ‘Hive Mind’

Dr. Cochran writes: Garrett Jones has a new book out: Hive Mind. He argues that “while individual IQ scores predict our independent success moderately well, a country’s average score is a remarkable bellwether of its general prosperity.” Makes sense. I … Continue reading

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Jews & IQ

Comments to Anatoly Karlin: * “One could speculate of some self interested motives for that anti-genetic IQ mind-set, such as supply and demand.” An obvious example of this would be Jewish elites, who are a very high IQ elite that … Continue reading

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Correlation Between Average IQ & GNP

Anatoly Karlin writes: There is a wealth of evidence implying an exponential relationship between average IQ and income and wealth in the United States. Click to enlarge. There is likewise a wealth of evidence – from Lynn, Rindermann, La Griffe … Continue reading

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What Makes For National Prosperity?

Jayman writes: Here’s some of the factors that don’t matter: Size (see Japan [large], Finland [small], and any number of small dysfunctional countries) Diversity *per se* (e.g. Switzerland [diverse], Albania [homogenous], China [homogenous]) Resources (e.g. Arab oil states [resource rich], … Continue reading

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