Category Archives: IQ

Intelligent people have ‘unnatural’ preferences and values that are novel in human evolution

REPORT: More intelligent people are significantly more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences that are novel to the human species in evolutionary history. Specifically, liberalism and atheism, and for men (but not women), preference for sexual … Continue reading

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Intelligence Is Largely Heritable

Dr. James Thompson writes: Differences between countries with the lowest and highest ability levels are large. For example, in TIMSS 2011, 4th grade Yemeni pupils achieved 209 student assessment study (SAS) points, whereas South Korean pupils achieved 587 SAS points. … Continue reading

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NYP: FDNY’s new entry exam asks about everything but firefighting

Steve Sailer writes: Back in 2007, the Bush Administration rewarded the firemen of New York City, 343 of whom died on 9/11, by suing them for disparate impact discrimination in hiring. In 2009 a Democratic judge ruled the test devised … Continue reading

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Blondes Aren’t Dumb

“The Daily Mail has a story about a study showing blonde women have higher IQs than brunettes or redheads. Note they reference the 1980 ASVAB and that they dropped black and hispanic women from the results.” Daily Mail: Data for … Continue reading

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Lead Lowers IQ Levels, Mexican Immigration Lowers America’s Average IQ

I hear news about Flint, Michigan, all the time, about how the lead in the drinking water can lead to lower IQs and how horrible that is. In this type of story, the MSM displays no doubts about the importance … Continue reading

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