Category Archives: IQ

Jews, Human Biodiversity and Science

Steve Sailer is right. Which group sets the Overton Window in America and around the West? Elites with high IQs. Who determines what is acceptable to discuss publicly? Media and academic elites, which are disproportionately Jewish. Do Jews have a … Continue reading

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What’s The Correlation Between IQ And Success?

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The Genius Famine by Edward Dutton and Bruce G. Charlton

Link: In other words, until about 1800 only the minority of people with (on average) the ‘best genes’ (i.e. the lowest mutation load) would be able to survive and reproduce; and among the great majority of the population only a … Continue reading

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The Gottfredson Bell Curve

Dr. James Thompson writes: If, despite her having made so may contributions to intelligence research, Linda Gottfredson had to be remembered for only one thing, I think it would be for her exposition of the meaning of intelligence in everyday … Continue reading

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Do You Want More Government Services? A Breakdown By Race


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