Category Archives: Jews

Why Did Adolf Hitler Hate the Jews?

From Haaretz: In Mein Kampf, published in two volumes, in 1925 and 1926, Hitler himself explains that he had no special feelings about Jews before he moved to Vienna, in 1908, and that even then, initially, he thought favorably of … Continue reading

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Why Are So Many Hardcore Immigration Restrictionists Jews?

From the Reddit thread: Earlier today, the Trump administration seemed to offer the possibility of granting amnesty not just to 800k DACAns but 1.8 million Dreamers. Immediately, the Republican hardliners jumped on this as a horrible idea. The loudest voices … Continue reading

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Discussing Western Identities On Warski Live (1-25-18)

Identities in Western Civilization – The Rebbe & Luke Ford Starting at 7:15 Est This should be good! — Andy Warski (@Andywarski) January 26, 2018 From the live comments on the Warski Youtube video: * I never heard of … Continue reading

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The Alt Right In The Light Of Torah

The Torah says to execute homos, slavery is OK, no goyish citizenship in Holy Land, how can I get appalled with goyim who want same things? Not one major rabbinic commentator says goyim can be citizens in the Torah state. … Continue reading

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No Enemies On The Right?

The Alt Right has no power, so there’s no rational reason to fear them right now. On the other hand, the major American Jewish organizations such as the ADL do have power, and they are all united behind pushing for … Continue reading

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