Category Archives: Jews

What Makes Someone Jewish?

I just did a podcast with Jim Goad.

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Forward: The Biggest Threat To The Jews? The Partisan Divide

Yehuda Kertzer writes: The second problem with partisanship for American Jews is that it reduces Jewish power. People don’t like talking about Jewish power out loud because, despite good intentions, it either sounds anti-Semitic itself or gives fodder for anti-Semites. … Continue reading

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A New Look At The Jewish Question

PDF-FOR-RYAN I argue that the conventional wisdom among WAs [White Advocates] on the “Jewish Question” is mistaken. There is good reason to believe that many purported group differences between European Jews and gentile whites have been exaggerated. I argue that … Continue reading

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YICC Hosts California’s Attorney General

Sid emails: “On Tuesday evening, February 6, YICC (Young Israel of Century City) will host Xavier Becerra, Attorney General of California, an outspoken advocate for obstructing the enforcement of federal immigration law. Every law-abiding Jew should protest loudly at this … Continue reading

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David Brooks – The Ugly Face Of Anti-Gentilism

Steve Sailer writes: As I predicted in my two previous Taki’s columns, the Trump administration offered to Democrats an extremely moderate and generous compromise immigration package. Trump proposed a path to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal aliens in return for … Continue reading

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