Category Archives: Jews

Why Are Jews Liberal?

Here are some highlights from a 2005 column by Dennis Prager: * …Jews (outside of Israel) are indeed overwhelmingly liberal and disproportionately left of liberal as well. * Most Jews are frightened by anything that connotes right-wing—such as the words … Continue reading

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In what lawful fields of endeavor (artistic and commercial) are you least likely to find Jews at the highest levels?

Manual labor? Agriculture (outside of Israel)? Coal mining? Building skyscrapers? I don’t picture Jews hanging off skyscrapers or cleaning windows 80 stories up. Garbage men? Truckers? Factory and assembly line workers? Gardeners? Astronauts? Police, fire, and armed forces? Cowboys? Security … Continue reading

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Biblical Illiteracy

Most Christian clergy (including most with PhDs in Religion) are illiterate in the languages of the Bible (Hebrew for the Hebrew Bible, and Greek for the New Testament) while many rabbis (particularly Reform rabbis) have only a shaky grasp of … Continue reading

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Race & The Jews

I emailed Neville Nagler, distinguished English civil servant and former leader of the Board of Deputies of British Jews: I was curious about these sentence about you on an anti-Jewish website and wondered if they were accurate? “Throughout the 1970s … Continue reading

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Jews & The Fight Against Racism In Post-WWII England

Sunday, I interviewed by Skype Anglo-Jewry historian Geoffrey Alderman ( He is the author of 22 books, including Modern British Jewry. Here are some highlights of our discussion about fewer than .5% of Britain’s population. Listen. Luke: “I’m interested in … Continue reading

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