Category Archives: Jews

The Parallel Universe Of The Hasidic Jew

New York Times journalist Joseph Berger writes in his book The Pious Ones: The World of Hasidim and Their Battles with America: In the secular realm, the laws of the Russian or Polish state persecuted Jews and barred them from … Continue reading

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An Israeli Urges American Jews To Prioritize Israel

How would you, the average white American, feel about Mexican pundits urging Mexican-Americans to prioritize Mexico when they vote in America? If Jews in the diaspora want to prioritize Israel, they should move to Israel. By staying in the diaspora … Continue reading

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Were Jews Stalin’s Willing Executioners?

Eugene Girin writes: Kevin MacDonald also demonstrates his utter ignorance of Soviet Jewish historical realities when he argues that ex-Jews like Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, and the thousands of Cheka operatives and Bolshevik party members retained their Jewish identity and “Eastern … Continue reading

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Are Jews White?

Ashkenazi Jews (about 70% of Jews worldwide) tend to look white and 95 of American Jews identify as white. Eugene Girin writes for VDARE: Another response was shock and disbelief at my mention of the Caucasian racial origin of Jews. … Continue reading

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Race Realism & The Jews

Eugene Girin writes: The most famous and brilliant racially realist Jew in today`s America is undoubtedly Rabbi Mayer Schiller.  The author of several books on Jewish observance and theology and American conservatism, Rabbi Schiller is one of the most fascinating … Continue reading

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