Category Archives: Jews

Is Jewish Influence Waning?

A goy sodomite, Chris Hughes, has taken over The New Republic. Peter Beinart writes that it is no longer a Jewish magazine and that the influence of Jews is diminishing. Chaim Amalek: “Yidden are getting softer and dumber year by … Continue reading

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Where’s My Movie Studio?

I converted to Judaism 21 years ago and I still haven’t been given my very own media property. I don’t want no freakin’ bank, I want a newspaper or magazine or movie studio, and I want it staffed with hot … Continue reading

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Economist Jonathan Gruber’s Contempt For Americans

From Wikipedia: Gruber was born on September 30, 1965, son of Martin Jay Gruber and Ellie Gruber. His father, Martin, is Professor Emeritus of Finance at the New York University Stern School of Business, having been a professor there for … Continue reading

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Are Jews White?

Chris the Goy, who has ambivalent feelings about Jews, says: I do think Ashkenazi Jews are white and European for the most part as they are at best of mixed ancestry, with a lot of Germanic and Slavic ancestry, but … Continue reading

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The Jew Accused: Three Anti-Semitic Affairs (Dreyfus, Beilis, Frank) 1894-1915

* “Jewish employers at times used the more pliant and less class-conscious Christian workers as strikebreakers against their Jewish employees, even filling the Christian workers’ heads with stories of how Jewish workers hated them.” * “In Warsaw…followers of the Bund … Continue reading

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