Category Archives: Jews


Is it more useful for the outsider to understand Judaism as a religion or as a people? I say people. Yes, I know it is the religion of a particular people (as was common in the ancient world). I just … Continue reading

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I Have A Better Plan For The Jews Of Europe

Shmuel Rosner, Jewish Journal Political Editor, writes: “Could anyone come up with a plan that will make Europe safer for Jews without them having to lower their profile, without them having to forgo Judaism to keep themselves safe, without them … Continue reading

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Jews Have Dissolved The Boundaries Of Europe!

Isn’t that wonderful? Or are you some kind of anti-Semite? You like being French or German or Swiss? You must be an anti-Semite. Apparently, according to New York Times columnist Roger Cohen, Jews know that national boundaries, except for the … Continue reading

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Bayit Yehudi candidate: I’m a proud homophobe

A friend says: Naftali Bennett is probably pissing his pants out of fear that NY and DC Jewish orgs are going to cancel the US’s special relationship with Israel over the latter’s anti-gay positions if his party is brought into … Continue reading

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All groups could learn from the way Jews take care of their own

I was new to Temple Ohev Shalom in Orlando in late 1993, I was troubled and I was frightened and I was far from home, and this guy I just met in shul gave me his card and said, “If … Continue reading

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