Category Archives: Jews

Should Everybody Have To Say, I Am A Jew?

Sounds ridiculous to me. Do Jews really want this kind of flattery? REPORT: Czech Republic President Milos Zeman on Monday urged the global community to show solidarity with the Jewish people and Israel. His remarks were made in a speech … Continue reading

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The SDA VS Jewish Worldviews

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist. My memories may not be clear or accurate, but as an SDA, I never had the sense that my group was particularly powerful (though we were God’s chosen people). We seemed to me small … Continue reading

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Is free speech good or bad for the Jews?

Free speech is good when it helps Jews and bad when it hurts Jews. Roger Cukierman is not an anomaly among Jews. Jews have not survived and prospered for thousands of years by boosting free speech. Cukierman is probing for … Continue reading

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Should Asians Adopt American Names?

If Asians or blacks or Muslims or Jews or any group don’t want to adapt American names and American ways, they can always move out of the country. If you want to live in America, you should abide by American … Continue reading

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Holocaust As A Code Word

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Guilt-mongering is a serious business, Steve. Sometimes I think that, if you were a Mossad agent deliberately trying to draw anti-Semites to comment on your board to record their IP addresses, you’d be doing precisely … Continue reading

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