Category Archives: Jews

NYT: Campus Debates on Israel Drive a Wedge Between Jews and Minorities

Comments to Steve Sailer: * But without BDS, how else will the ADL extort money form elderly Holocaust survivors who are worried that they’re Boycotting the Jews again? You’re assuming this is a bad thing. * American Jews will distance … Continue reading

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‘By Way Of Deception’

I’m reading this 1990 book by ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky. There’s a debate about how much of it is true. Ostrosvky writes: * They did in Sri Lanka, however. Amy Yaar made the connection, then tied the country in militarily … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Forbidden Films’ Exhumes Nazi Poison From the Movie Vaults

NYT: “The Third Reich was not only a totalitarian state but also a total multimedia regime. Seven decades after its fiery collapse, the embers remain — including some 1,200 feature films produced under Joseph Goebbels’s ministry of propaganda. Are they … Continue reading

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American doctor declared free of Ebola finds the virus in his eye months later

Even if this outbreak leads to massive blindness of survivors and continued outbreaks of Ebola, isn’t that a small price to pay for continuing our responsibility to help Africa? CNN report. * I’ve been dealing with women who don’t know … Continue reading

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What makes a Jewish dentist run for the U.K.’s anti-immigration party?

From Haaretz: Raymond Shamash is a candidate in the May 7 general election for the United Kingdom Independence Party, slammed for its anti-EU, xenophobic stances. It can be hard to stand up for what you believe in, as Raymond Shamash, … Continue reading

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