Category Archives: Jews

The Legion of the Archangel Michael

I appreciate it when people grapple with their character defects. I am grateful when they have a sense of their destructive tendencies. I’m relieved when they have an accurate perception of themselves and of their tendencies. I think the people … Continue reading

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Do You Want To See A Muslim Groveling To Jews?

If so, read this Pakistani-Brit politician’s speech: Sajid Javid’s speech at the Union of Jewish Students’ Annual Conference 2014 Shalom Aleichem [Hebrew for “Peace be with you”]. Thank you for coming, and thank you for inviting me along today. It’s … Continue reading

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The Hyper-Sexualization of Western Culture

When you read the Bible, you see the Hebrews creating a generally stricter sexual morality than that which reigned at the time. Still, the Hebrews frequently sinned in the sexual arena and the Bible is unsparing in pointing out their … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Hollywood, Jews, Pornography, Sex | Comments Off on The Hyper-Sexualization of Western Culture

Jews, Whites & Women

I had a chat this week with two Jewesses and a goy. It went something like this: One Jew got an email from a goy about Jews that read in part: “That they deliberately bred Talmudic scholars may have selected … Continue reading

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Love Wins!

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