Category Archives: Jews

Orthodox Jews Know Who They Are

The more traditional the Jew, the less he has angst about his identity — he’s a Yid first, second and third. The more modern the Jew, the more assimilated and confused. That’s why the Orthodox increasingly dominate Jewish life. No … Continue reading

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Sorting Kids By Race

From NYMAG: A Jewish parent raised his hand, according to another parent who was there. He grew up in the South, he said, where Jews were seen not as “white” but as something categorically different. When he was a child, … Continue reading

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Jews & Germans

Chaim Amalek: “The Jews of Germany certainly were not harming German national interests when they were a powerful presence in Wilhelmine Germany. It was not they, but the WASP elite of Germany (along with some Roman Catholic elites in Austria), … Continue reading

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The Social Construct

CH: “Race is not a social construct. Society is a racial construct.” Social constructs often deny the existence of that which the ruling elite finds threatening. As Albert S. Lindemann wrote in his book Anti-Semitism Before The Holocaust: [Adolf] Stoecker’s … Continue reading

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A Jew In Inglewood

Amy Dresner writes: My first night in Inglewood, I hugged a crackhead. Let me explain. I headed to 7-11 for a late-night snack snoop because I have no curfew now and can do whatever the fuck I want whenever I … Continue reading

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