Category Archives: Jews

The Jerry Lewis Holocaust Film

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The (probably unreleaseable) Jerry Lewis film w/ the Holocaust setting is reputed to be tonally and substantively divergent from Benigni’s liberal-sensitive movie (which, oddly enough, no one today watches or talks about, other than to … Continue reading

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Jews & Power

Jeff the Jew* emails: Dear Luke, You really have been posting up a storm since Shabbat ended. I do think that you are in error about Jewish history. Jews have not always for 2600 years been a reviled minority. After … Continue reading

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Debbie Wasserman Schultz Cries About Israel, Backs Iran Deal

REPORT: The head of the Democratic Party, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., choked up while discussing her “gut wrenching” decision to vote in favor of the Iran nuclear deal. “There’s nothing that’s more important to me, as a Jew, than … Continue reading

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Jews, Muslims And The Future Of Europe

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Muslim Mass Migration: Is It Good for the Jews? * There was never any Jewish conspiracy to bring hordes of hostile Nazi-Muslims to Europe and the US. That comes from the cultural marxism that developed … Continue reading

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Jews & Women

For the past 2600 years (until recently), most Jews have lived as a minority in Gentiles countries. They’ve kept alive their tradition by constantly contrasting what is Jewish with what is goyish. When Jews say something is goyish, that’s never … Continue reading

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