Category Archives: Jews

Spectator: Why does the left care more about Islamophobia than anti-Semitism?

Article. Chaim Amalek They are more afraid of the hard killing power of muslim Jihadists than they are of the soft, more feminine power (e.g., filing law suits, shooting faxes hither and yon) of the Jews. They’re realists who understand … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s Rise Sparks Widespread Angst Among Jewish Republicans

Jews fear white nationalism more than anything else in the West. Gentile nationalisms, almost by definition, tend to exclude Jews. Jews love Jewish nationalism, but Jewish groups often prescribe multi-culturalism and diversity for the goyim. Israel, the Jewish state, is … Continue reading

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JTA: Mindful of risks, European Jews urge aid to refugees

Nowhere in this story do I hear these pious Jewish leaders expressing concern about what a flood of Muslims into Europe will do to Europeans. All I hear is concern for the refugees and concern for Jews. But what about … Continue reading

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British Jewish Leaders Unite Behind Subsidizing Illegal Immigration

There’s not a word in the following article about Israel. Apparently, it is fine with the Jewish elites of Britain for the Jewish state to act in its self-interest by not taking in Islamic migrants who hate it. Apparently, it … Continue reading

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Rewarding Illegal Immigrants Destroys Host Countries

When Jewish organizations subsidize illegal immigrants to Europe and America, they are destroying Europe and America. Notice how these organizations are not pushing for the destruction of the Jewish state with Muslims who hate it, but they assist in the … Continue reading

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