Category Archives: Jews

The “None is Too Many” guilt trip does not apply to the Syrian refugee crisis

In the following essay, a Canadian Jew calls out the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the organized Jewish community for using the Holocaust as a battering ram to force Canada to take in more Muslim immigrants. How many Jews and non-Jews … Continue reading

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Love and Mercy

I’m watching this 2014 movie Love and Mercy about Brian Wilson. Half of it takes place in the 1960s and the California beaches seem so white. There’s not a Mexican in sight. Today you go to the Santa Monica beach … Continue reading

Posted in America, Israel, Jews, Museum of Tolerance, Simon Wiesenthal | Comments Off on Love and Mercy

It’s Lobbying, but Is It Really pro-Israel?

M.J. Rosenberg wrote for Haaretz in 2007: Critics of “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” by John J. Mearsheimer and Steven M. Walt (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), cannot be surprised that the attacks on the book prior to publication … Continue reading

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John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt – The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy

I was impressed by this presentation by the two political scientists. At the end, John J. Mearsheimer says: “The United States would care about Iran acquiring nuclear weapons even if there was no state of Israel. There are two reasons … Continue reading

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Giving Up The Burden Of White Privilege

Troubled Conservative gay rabbi (who came out when he had three teenage kids and a wife) writes in the Washington Post: Jews in America struggled for decades to become white. Now we must give up whiteness to fight racism. Let’s … Continue reading

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