Category Archives: Jews

Jewish Group Vow to Destroy Future Careers of Campus Anti-Israel Activists

I think it would be weird if Jews did not organize to hurt the careers of people dedicated to hurting them. Robert Lindsay writes: Looks like Jews have set up a new organization called the Canary Mission to uncover campus … Continue reading

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David Bernstein: “Mondoweiss” is a hate site

Anyone who hurls slurs like “hate site” immediately loses the argument. Once you call your opponent a Nazi (when that is not accurate), you lose, and this is effectively what David Bernstein is doing here. People who use the slur … Continue reading

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Jews & Cheating

In the aftermath of reading The Israeli Mind by Alon Gratch, I watch the 2015 movie True Story. Twenty three minutes in, the protagonist, disgraced New York Times journalist Mike Finkel, says he doesn’t know why he invented stuff. Watching … Continue reading

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Jews & Whites

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I think you have to distinguish between hatred of white nationalists and hatred of white people in general. Your average Scardsale orthodontist doesn’t have much dislike of the WASP family next door, but would get … Continue reading

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The Holocaust in American Life

Why does the Holocaust play such a large role in American life? And is that a good thing? American Jewish historian Peter Novick writes in his book The Holocaust in American Life: …Serb’s central memory, the lost Battle of Kosovo … Continue reading

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