Category Archives: Jews

Surprise! Muslims Hate Jews

From Pew Global: In the predominantly Muslim nations surveyed, views of Jews are largely unfavorable. Nearly all in Jordan (97%), the Palestinian territories (97%) and Egypt (95%) hold an unfavorable view. Similarly, 98% of Lebanese express an unfavorable opinion of … Continue reading

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How Smart Are The Sephardim?

Average IQ estimates for Ashkenazi Jews range from 105 to 120. Average Sephardi IQs are about 97 and Mizrahi Jews average 92. The average white IQ is 100, East Asian IQ is 105, Hispanic-American IQ is 90, and African-American IQ … Continue reading

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Shutting Down Speech

A friend says: I think it is worth observing with all the goings on about trigger warnings, micro-agressions, hate speech and the like, that the first persons in the 20th Century to claim the right to shut down discussions they … Continue reading

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The Many Loves Of Matisyahu

From Wikipedia: Matisyahu met NYU film student Talia when she interviewed him for a documentary about men and women not touching. They were set up by Rabbi Dov Yonah Korn, NYU’s Chabad chaplain,[41] and they married in August 2004.[42] Together … Continue reading

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What Makes For A Righteous Goy?

American Jewish historian Peter Novick writes in his book The Holocaust in American Life: …In the late sixties and early seventies, at the same time that the arrival of the “new anti-Semitism” was announced, American Jewish organizations were changing their … Continue reading

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