Category Archives: Jews

Jewish Journal Of Los Angeles Going All Out For More Muslim Immigration Into The West

I feel like you can just take a glance at someone and get a feel for their politics. “Howard Seth Cohen is a local actor, artist, and activist. He created “72 Virgins” a Los Angeles-based nonprofit that fights xenophobia one … Continue reading

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Ten Jewish groups urge Congress to allow Syrian refugees into U.S.

JTA: While Congress members consider not admitting Syrian refugees after the Paris attacks, Jewish groups argue that ‘turning our back on refugees would be to betray our nation’s core values.’ Ten Jewish groups have sent a letter to Congress members … Continue reading

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Jews, Muslims & Immigration

If you find poisonous snakes in your bedroom, do you hate the snakes or do you hate the people who put them there? Douglas Murray writes: When the European migration crisis reached its latest peak earlier this year, a Jewish … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Obama: “That’s Not American. … We Don’t Have Religious Tests to Our Compassion.” Except Lautenberg Amendment

Steve Sailer writes: …refugee eligibility has sometimes been determined based on religion/ethnicity, most famously in the Save Soviet Jews law of the early 1970s that went on well after the fall of the Berlin Wall. This is not exactly obscure … Continue reading

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Hillel students join Amherst protest against alleged bias on campus

The coalition of the fringe unites against the core. Contrary to myth, Jews and blacks have rarely had much to do with each other, you can’t find two peoples more different, but on occasion, radicals in both groups join in … Continue reading

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