Category Archives: Jews

The Nazis

“Every man loves to watch documentaries about the Nazis,” says a friend in Australia. “If there’s one on the tele, I can’t help watching it. I’m fascinated. Appalled but fascinated.” Chaim Amalek writes: “I would prefer to watch documentaries about … Continue reading

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Old White Guys

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Don’t forget possible candidate Michael Bloomberg who will be 74 in another 8 days. Of the group, Trump is the only one who appears to be much younger than his actual age of 69. And, … Continue reading

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Who Plays The Victimhood Game Best? Blacks Or Jews?

From Earlier this summer, Boston University Sociology Professor Saida Grundy was the center of controversy over comments she made on social media disparaging white males. And just across the Charles River, an academic at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology … Continue reading

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Are Jews commanded to “repair the world” or to repair the Jews?

Steven Plaut writes: “The central mitzvah or commandment for our era is the mitzvah of Tikkun Olam. It is the defining mission of Jews to strive for the repair of the world by making society more just, fair, egalitarian, and … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Jew On Top Of Glenn Beck’s Empire

The movement to diversify Hollywood is a movement to drive out Jews. Hollywood is a Jewish industry. Making it more diverse makes it less Jewish. It’s not whites who run Hollywood so much as Jews who run Hollywood. From the … Continue reading

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