Category Archives: Jews

Key Quotations from ‘You Gentiles’ — by Maurice Samuel

From Lasha Darkmoon: Maurice Samuel (1895 – 1972) was a Romanian-born Zionist Jew whose most influential book, You Gentiles, was published in 1924. This offered a penetrating analysis of the Jewish psyche and made the important point that Jews were … Continue reading

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‘A Racial Program For The 20th Century’

I just read this comment on The Realist Report and thought to myself, this does not seem right: The Jewish lobby should be worried because their true agenda is coming into view of the American public more and more everyday. … Continue reading

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Democrats Are The Black Party, Republicans Are The White Party

Steve Sailer writes: “The Democrats are turning into the Black Party. Like with the Oscars and 12 Years a Slave, once you go black you are never supposed to go back.” Comments to Steve Sailer: * Most black voters don’t … Continue reading

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Weekly Standard: Trump Won’t Disavow David Duke, KKK Support, ‘I Will Do Research On Them’

Ramzpaul tweets and retweets: * Trump won’t jump through compliance hoops for the ADL – a Jewish Supremacist group. He is not their bitch. * Look at the hypocrites who support Jewish identity, but refuse the same for Whites. * … Continue reading

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Jews, Non-Jews & Group Interests

Goy Philosopher emails: I recently discovered your site after listening to an interview you did with Robert Stark. Your take on politics and religion is insightful and honest. I’m a fan! But I have a question. You defend two claims: … Continue reading

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