Category Archives: Jews

David Suissa: Why Trump Makes Us All Dizzy

David Suissa writes: There’s no better feeling in the world than being 100 percent right about something. In a slippery world where everything seems to be debatable — even climate change! — it’s so refreshing to find something that is … Continue reading

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An open letter to Donald Trump from Orthodox rabbis

LINK: The Orthodox Community Responds to Donald Trump at AIPAC March 18, 2016 Dear Mr. Trump: We are writing to you as you prepare to address the largest pro-Israel gathering in North America. We care deeply not only about America’s … Continue reading

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Jews Coming Around On Trump

Rabbi Gil Student writes: “I have never liked Trump on any level but with all the talking heads bashing him, the contrarian in me is increasingly reconsidering my lack of support. Anyone on whom liberal rabbis will walk out as … Continue reading

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Choose Trump, Choose Life

Some of my Jewish friends tell me that most of the Jewish elites in the media, Wall Street, academia, politics, and law are strongly opposed to Trump. So how has he defeated them? He’s done it by allowing them to … Continue reading

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Subversive Jews

Scholar Jonathan Sarna describes a minority of Jews in early America as “critics, subversives and dissenters.” Why would they act that way? Perhaps it’s a simple function of identity theory. The more strongly you identify with your group, such as … Continue reading

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