Category Archives: Jews

British Man Arrested For Questioning Muslim Woman About Terrorism

From the WSJ: LONDON—A British man who sent a Twitter message about challenging a Muslim woman over the Brussels attacks has been charged with inciting racial hatred, London police said Friday. Matthew Doyle, a 46 year old public relations executive … Continue reading

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Ari Paul: Can Merrick Garland Make the Supreme Court Talmudic Again?

One problem with this absurd article is that the Jews on the Supreme Court have very little Talmudic knowledge. Jews who study Talmud daily and observe Jewish law vote Republican. Jews who vote Democrat rarely study Talmud and are rarely … Continue reading

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Rabbi: After Trump at AIPAC, rejecting hate and standing up for our values

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner is the Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism: Despite the several thousand cheering in the arena, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Jews across America reject the divisive and hurtful messages that … Continue reading

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For Purim, French Jew goes to synagogue dressed as jihadist

AFP: A 40-year-old Jewish man tempted fate by walking into a Paris synagogue dressed as a jihadist, carrying a fake rifle and shouting “Allahu Akbar”, a police source said Friday. For the soldiers guarding the Habad Loubavitch synagogue in Vincennes … Continue reading

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RIP Gary Shandling

Comments to Steve Sailer: * One thing about the clip that bugs me is how Shandling starts talking about/making fun of “ugly kids.” I’ve seen many a comedian do this. Is this a Jewish thing? I’ve never looked at a … Continue reading

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