Category Archives: Jews

Curb Your Enthusiasm Wagner

Video. Hitler’s favorite composer!

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Politico/Religious Madness

Rob emails: Dear Mr. Ford, Let us assume that there is a modicum of historical accuracy in the Authorized Biographies (a.k.a. “Gospels,” both Canonical and not) of Y’shua bar Joseph ha Nazir. To this “Pagan,” he comes across as delusional. … Continue reading

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Ashley Rae Goldenberg: ‘So this was a thing I guess.’

She posts this picture with Alt-Right vlogger Ramzpaul on March 5 from the latest NPI conference: From her Twitter bio: “Ashley Rae Goldenberg, AKA Communism Kills. Jew with an econ degree who works in the media.” She posts about Jewish … Continue reading

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Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt

The rabbi (president of the Conference of European Rabbis) writes in favor of inclusivity and diversity in 2014 (though he does not push for these values in the Jewish state of Israel): Some outlets have reported that moderators on French … Continue reading

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Moorish Spain: A Successful Multicultural Paradise?

F. Roger Devlin writes: The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain by Dario Fernandez-Morera Wilmington: ISI Books, 2016 Dario Fernandez-Morera, of Cuban extraction, is associate professor of Spanish and Portuguese at … Continue reading

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