Category Archives: Jews

Ramzpaul: Should Passover Denial Be Illegal?

Ramzpaul (who has a Jewish girlfriend, Ashley Rae Goldenberg) tweets: * Part of a heritage is shared myths and stories. No, most Jewish archaeologists don’t believe God parted the Red Sea. * I could become a Japanese citizen, but I … Continue reading

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2016 Top Democratic Donors Are Almost All Jewish

From Mondoweiss: The scene was a J Street panel Sunday night about the 2016 election at the Sixth and I Synagogue in Washington, and the dialogue began when Roger Cohen of the New York Times asked J.J. Goldberg of the … Continue reading

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Jews & Capitalism

Professor Jerry Z. Muller wrote an important book: Capitalism and the Jews From * The unique historical relationship between capitalism and the Jews is crucial to understanding modern European and Jewish history. But the subject has been addressed less … Continue reading

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Cathy Young: The Alt-Right: They’re creepy and they’re kooky, and not in the cute Addams Family way

Is throwing slurs such as “creepy” and “kooky” supposed to be an honorable form of argument? There are only two honorable forms of argument — disputing facts and logic. Most women are not cut out for such disputation. Most men … Continue reading

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Israel vs America

In many ways, Israel is a much healthier and more serious nation than the United States. Israel has a serious wall to stop illegal immigrants, America does not. Israel is run for the benefit of its majority population — Jews, … Continue reading

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