Category Archives: Jews

Whither The Shiksa?

Los Angeles Review of Books: The point of all this is that the pejorative of shiksa has been hollowed out: “shiksa” today is used as often as not in winking self-reference. Drew Barrymore, wife of Will Kopelman, recently called herself … Continue reading

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Jews & Multiculturalism

A goy asks me: “Why are Jews obsessed with Identity Politics for everyone BUT my children and why do they engage in divide and conquer conduct while talking “unity & love”?” Most Jews aren’t into radical politics. Only a tiny … Continue reading

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When Was the Last Time the NYT Mentioned “Anti-Gentilism?”

Steve Sailer writes: Back in 2008 it finally dawned on me that the popular phrases “white guilt” and “Jewish guilt” have functionally opposite meanings: In other words, in the classic example of Jewish guilt, [Philip Roth’s] Portnoy’s Complaint, Jewish guilt … Continue reading

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The Maidel Menace

James: “The Jewess Fetishizers are become their own faction in the Alternative Right.” Chaim Amalek writes: “The Maidel Menace goes deeper than they know. Some bio-Jewesses are converting to other faiths and passing themselves off as “gentile.” Only, in genetic … Continue reading

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A White Nationalist With A Jewish Fetish

He writes: I agree with the majority of what WN’s believe in, I’m fairly Racist, I read and listen to a ton of Racialist Blogs and Podcasts and say RIGHT ON MAN, My Anti-Jewishness is pretty VIRULENT, yet I’m not … Continue reading

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