Category Archives: Jews

Quarter of ‘straight’ young women admit to having a same-sex fling while HALF believe gender isn’t ‘fixed’ – thanks to celebrities being open about their experiences

Human beings tend to be conformist, and women particularly like to conform to whatever is considered socially acceptable. As same-sex gets increasingly positive media coverage and criticism of homosexuality becomes socially unacceptable, more people, particularly women, experiment with it. Daily … Continue reading

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Forward: Donald Trump Puzzles Jewish Groups by Failing To Create Communication Channels

All of the major Jewish groups, such as the ADL, the SWC, the SPLC, and the Jewish Federations, pursue the opposite values from mine, the opposite values from the Torah I learned, so when I hear that Donald Trump is … Continue reading

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Haaretz: Can anti-Trump Jews Save the Republican Party?

The Jewish press can’t stop running anti-Trump pieces. The latest fashion is to get them from concern trolls all worried about the well-being of the Republican party. Yishai Schwartz, a student at Yale Law School: Many Jewish conservatives are adrift, … Continue reading

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Jamie Weinstein – Thought Leader

This article is hilarious. Jamie Weinstein is a thought leader? Who exactly does he lead? Who does he influence? Whatever stature he has seems to have been bought by his parents. All these so-called Jewish conservatives opposed to Trump show … Continue reading

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What is a Jew?

A goy writes: That question only sound provocative when a gentile asks it, I suppose. But being a curious person, who has read big chunks of the Koran and Bhagavad Gita and Tao Te Ching and Confucius and Plato and … Continue reading

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