Category Archives: Jews

News: Some Jewish Groups Waffle on Donald Trump’s Anti-Muslim Push

Remember when this Trump ban on Muslims was a big deal? Now it is just taken for granted. December 8, 2015 The Forward: Amid widespread denunciations of Donald Trump’s proposal to bar Muslims from entering the United States, a handful … Continue reading

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Jewish Groups are expressing outrage…

It seems like half the time I hear the phrase “Jewish groups” in the news, they’re doing something I hate. So I decided to get scientific about it and put “Jewish groups” into a Google news search and see what … Continue reading

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Meet the Shomrim—The Hasidic Volunteer ‘Cops’ Who Answer To Nobody

We have shomrim in Los Angeles. Los Angeles – Crime is on the rise. Sinister forces abound. Our local police force helps us feel safe and protected. But sometimes, they cannot do it alone. Recent budget cuts in the Los … Continue reading

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Are Jews A Race?

Comment: Yes, but it was also not uncommon to refer to the “English race,” “German race,” “Italian race,” etc. as well as the broader “White race” in that era. With regard to the population genetic evidence, discussing Jews as a … Continue reading

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Most American Jews Are Married To Non-Jews

Comment: 58% of married Jews are married to a non-Jew. 20% of Jews married to a non-Jew say they will raise their kids Jewish. 25% of Jews married to a non-Jew say they will raise their kids “partially” Jewish. 37% … Continue reading

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