Category Archives: Jews

What Does Anti-Semitism Achieve?

Anti-Semitism and anti-Gentilism and anti-Muslim and anti-black and anti-any group are all the outgrowth of conflicting interests. If you love your people, you will react negatively to those who hurt your people. A normal person loves his own kind and … Continue reading

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Trumpkins & The Jews

Jennifer Rubin blogs at the Washington Post: To some degree Trump’s problem with Jewish voters is not unlike his problem with women, Hispanics, African Americans, college-educated voters and the chunk of the GOP that voted for other candidates. Many voters, … Continue reading

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Different Groups Have Different Interests

The more the goy (I’m talking the white of European origin because from the traditional Jewish perspective asians are not goyim, they are tribesmen worthy of respect, impossible to manipulate, while blacks are shvartzes, entertaining and dangerous and at times … Continue reading

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Goldberg: Horowitz Accusing Kristol of Not Being Fanatically Pro-Semitic Enough Proves That the Anti-Semitic Cossacks Are Ready to Ride

Steve Sailer writes: From Slate, a representative response to another thing that was the Biggest Story in the History of the World for about six hours earlier this week: Breitbart Calls Trump Foe “Renegade Jew.” This Is How Anti-Semitism Goes … Continue reading

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Ashkenazi Jews Least Likely To Date Blacks, Asians

PRINCETON REPORT: “Specifically, we see that whites who identified as Jewish were dropped from the analysis of black exclusion because it was a perfect predictor; that is, all white men and women who identified as Jewish excluded blacks as possible … Continue reading

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