Category Archives: Jews

Pamela Geller, Breitbart: On Trump and the Jews, David Horowitz Is Right

Pamela Geller writes: David Horowitz is under heavy fire from the Republican establishment for his article “Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew,” in which he points out that, as the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump is “the only obstacle to … Continue reading

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NYT: At Warby Parker, a Sense of Exclusion in a Low Price

Comment: This NYT article At Warby Parker, a Sense of Exclusion in a Low Price about ‘cheap’ glasses reminds me of Steve’s country club exclusion theory of Jewish projection vexation. Ginia Bellafante writes: The story of Warby Parker more or … Continue reading

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Blame It On The Goyim

“. . . emphasizing Gentile persecution as the root cause of Jewish “degradation.” This ideology . . . was shared in one form or another, by all the ideologists of nineteenth-century Jewry: Reform Jews and Zionists, assimilationists and socialists, Bundists … Continue reading

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A Possible Alliance Between Nazis & Social Justice Warriors

Any nation that turns against achievement in the name of equality is likely to be bad for the Jews. This is something that social justice warriors and the Alt Right have in common — they oppose achievement by merit. They … Continue reading

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Trump Supporters Vs. the ‘Renegade Jew

Why is it morally reprehensible to call somebody a “renegade Jew”? If that is morally reprehensible, what is rape and murder? Really morally reprehensible? Tabletmag’s ratio of nonsense to quality is about two to one. Surely many Jews, not just … Continue reading

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