Category Archives: Jews

Which Jewish sub-ethnicity is considered the most insufferable? Asking for a friend.

Comments on my FB page: * Australian converts. * British Jews probably the nicest. * Galician – Polish Jews. And after them, Satmar hasids. Then upper west side lesbian feminists. It is a long long list.

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If you don’t know how much money a Jew has to the penny, you have to treat him with respect, because he might be a Big Jew.

He might be Sheldon Adelson. That’s why Jews feel comfortable asking each other intimate questions such as how much money you make, whether you rent or own, etc. It’s all part of being a family. Once you find out the … Continue reading

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George Carlin and the Jewish question

Jerusalem Post: For Israeli comedian and author Charley Warady, the death of George Carlin, the American iconic counterculture comic, is shocking and sad. But as Carlin likely would have wanted, Warady and others are still able to laugh. “He was … Continue reading

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Black Americans and Israel

Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein writes: In an atmosphere of growing racial tension and facing up to pockets of racism within our own community, it is great to see some people doing something about both problems. No strangers to creating kiddush Hashem, … Continue reading

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R. Yitzhok Alderstein: ‘What I Learned at the Ulmer Institute Inaugural’

Rabbi Adlerstein writes: Decades ago, too long ago for most of us to remember, Jews and African-Americans enjoyed a close strategic alliance. The marriage broke up horribly. Blacks felt that they had been dealt with paternalistically, and also resented a … Continue reading

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