Category Archives: Jews

Forward: America’s Jewish institutions were failing. Coronavirus hastened their demise.

Joel Swanson writes: I’m talking about Jewish establishment organizations like the Jewish Federation, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Jewish community centers, lobbying groups like the American Jewish Committee and American Jewish Congress, and explicitly political groups … Continue reading

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From Left to Right: Lucy S. Dawidowicz, the New York Intellectuals, and the Politics of Jewish History

Here are some excerpts from this 2020 book: * “[Salo] Baron was quite right in saying that until Emancipation Jews survived because of their national religion. Not that there was first a people and then a religion, but that both … Continue reading

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Protecting the wisdom of the West (Classical Liberalism & Jewish Tradition),_Lord_Tennyson Bud: “Very many of the big names in American Literature have been Jewish for a generation now. Charles Feidelson, Leslie Feidler, Nina Baym, Sacvan Bercovitch, etc. Also during this generation (between 1960-2000), the study of … Continue reading

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Capitalism and the Jews

Here are some highlights from this Jerry Z. Muller book: * Capitalism has been the most important force in shaping the fate of the Jews in the modern world. Of course, one could plausibly argue that it has been the … Continue reading

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Jews, Non-Jews & The Corona Virus

What are the biggest differences between how Jews and non-Jews deal with the Corona Virus? Christians seem more serene, Jews seem more kvetchy and preppy. Every Jew knows the best doctor and they will happily tell you about him because … Continue reading

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