Category Archives: Homosexuality

JTS To Accept Gay and Lesbian Students

That’s Yossi Abramowitz’s headline for his latest scoop. JTS has always accepted gay and lesbian students just as it has always accepted students with inclinations towards orgies and adultery (every male). It has not accepted, until now, those who openly … Continue reading

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Never Ask An Artist If His Work Is Jewish

I was just scanning Menahem Wecker’s new blog and it hit me that I’ve yet to read an interesting response to that question. I’m fascinated by things Jewish but such a direct approach in questioning rarely works. At prayer tonight, … Continue reading

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Fighting Homophobia

JMT emails: "You should write something about how the black guy on Grey’s Anatomy that called the faggy guy on Grey’s Anatomy a faggot is being pushed around by the Hollywood fag mafia like some poor bastard being sent to … Continue reading

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