Category Archives: Homosexuality

Commentary Magazine Weirdness

Michael Weiss writes: As a former culture blogger for Commentary, I used to think it was creepy but also amusing that there were certain ideological constraints on what you could say in the magazine’s blog about non-ideological subjects. It was … Continue reading

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Wholesome Fun For The Whole Family On Obama’s Website

Joe emails: I just entered the name Osama Ladin and listed al qaeda as my employer and donated $5 to Obama via my discover card. I was not asked to give the 3 digit code on the back of the … Continue reading

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Lesbian Rabbi All-Round Mentch

From Of all the people we’ve interviewed over the years, Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum’s one of the most inspirational. And awesome. A spunky, socially aware New Jersey native, Kleinbaum currently presides over New York’s queer-inclusive synagogue, Congregation Beth Simchat Torah. … Continue reading

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College Made Her Queer

Dennis Prager writes: Perhaps the most important argument against same-sex marriage is that once society honors same-sex sex as it does man-woman sex, there will inevitably be a major increase in same-sex sex. People do sexually (as in other areas) … Continue reading

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The Case For Prop 8

Dennis Prager writes: But even though California voters decided by a large margin to retain the man-woman definition of marriage, passing Proposition 8 will be a challenge. First, the attorney general of California, Jerry Brown, unilaterally renamed the proposition as … Continue reading

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