Category Archives: Homosexuality

There Are No Heterosexuals In Foxholes

Watch the whole show.

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Los Angeles’ first Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Heritage Month begins

The Los Angeles Times reports: Outside City Hall, a string of balloons hovered in the muggy June air. They were red, yellow, green, purple and blue. The rainbow theme was fitting: On Friday, Los Angeles officials launched the city’s first … Continue reading

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What Are Heterosexuals Allowed To Do If They Want To Keep Their Bar Straight?

I just watched episode 16 of season one of Cheers. A former teammate of Sam’s hosts a party at the bar for his new book, in which he comes out. The Cheers’ regulars become afraid the bar will turn gay. … Continue reading

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Is She The First Hot Female Rabbi?

And as Heshy Fried points out below, she plays for the other team! From FrumSatire: “I wanted to lead a halachically observant community so decided it was best to transfer to JTS where it would be far more likely I’d … Continue reading

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Balancing on the Mechitza: Transgender in Jewish Community

Book review from the South Florida Gay News: A mechitza is a barrier that separates men from women in Orthodox Jewish synagogues and at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Transgender Jews, especially the observant ones, “balance on the mechitza” that … Continue reading

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