Category Archives: Homosexuality

Dissing Tim Tebow, Celebrating Michael Sam

Chaim Amalek: “This is another example of the stupidity of Republicans. If they had any intelligence, they would be fighting to shorten copyright duration to what it was in years past, would encourage services like Aero that have the potential … Continue reading

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Robert Oscar Lopez On Gays Gone Wild

In his latest column for American Thinker, Robert Oscar Lopez writes: Minnesota was by no means isolated.  Ritualized crying became the weapon of choice.  We heard about well-intended homosexuals being thrown out of the house by mean Christian parents.  We … Continue reading

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Will The Final Round Draft Of Michael Sam Change History Forever?

I can’t think of any great male athlete who’s come out as gay, only a bunch of mediocre ones, such as Michael Sam. I don’t expect many great male athletes to be gay because great male athletes tend to be … Continue reading

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Gays Go After Black Seventh-Day Adventist Doctor Eric Walsh

Report: He was appointed the public health director for the city of Pasadena. But once he was offered a gig to speak at Pasadena City College (just after our favorite twink-chaser Dustin Lance Black was temporarily turned down as a … Continue reading

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The Weaponisation Of Homosexuality

Brendan O’Neill writes: There are various reasons for this move from decriminalising homosexuality, which was a very good thing, to the sanctification of homosexuality, which is just weird. But the main one is that over the past two decades, the … Continue reading

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