Category Archives: Homosexuality

Andreas Lubitz: A Mile High Intersection of Homosexuality And Schizophrenia?

Chateau Heartiste: “Lubitz was a closeted gay who was cuckolded by his girlfriend and was suffering from schizophrenia. The combination of these three — ah, insults — to his mental well-being pushed him over the edge.” Bill: “Anomie. Expect more … Continue reading

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Apple Bashes Indiana – But Promotes Business in Countries That Execute Gays

Gateway Pundit: Cook may believe Indiana’s new law is very dangerous towards gays… But it’s not as dangerous as the several countries Apple does business with where they execute gays. Four of the ten countries where they kill gays are … Continue reading

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Just Keep It Quiet!

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It’s funny how most men are fine with homosexuals being homosexuals as long as they agree to the unwritten rule that they keep it out of public life. * One of the interesting questions to … Continue reading

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Are you reading too many books by straight white men?

Chaim Amalek writes: Reading this article (in part) led me to a new acronym that all of you should learn, as the ***** who control our culture are certain to seize upon it: “QUILTBAG- QUILTBAG is an acronym. It stands … Continue reading

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The Gifts Of The Gays Public health officials across the West Coast are urging medical professionals to look out for cases of ocular syphilis – a sexually transmitted disease that can cause blindness – after two potential cases in Los Angeles recently. On Thursday, … Continue reading

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