Category Archives: Homosexuality


I realize now that the men who liked to massage me when I was a teenager were probably gay. And I thought they were just altruists. I had this faculty friend at UCLA who was very kind and interested in … Continue reading

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Bullying Your Way

Comments to Steve Sailer: * A certain amount of thuggishness can advance your cause: Islam in Europe; Blacks in America; Scientologists bullying their way into tax exempt status. One needs to consider responding in kind. * The upside to gay … Continue reading

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Who’s To Blame For AIDS?

Steve Sailer writes: “The AIDS epidemic in Greenwich Village, Castro Street, and West Hollywood wasn’t the fault of gay men engaging in industrial scale sodomy in Greenwich Village, Castro Street, and West Hollywood, it was the fault of everybody else … Continue reading

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Suzanne Sommers acted as best man at Barry Manilow’s gay wedding The Jewish crooner has reportedly married his longtime manager Gary Keif in a private ceremony. The catch? The pair managed to keep it under wraps for an entire year. People Magazine reports that the surprise wedding was attended by … Continue reading

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Can I demand that a Jewish baker make me a Hitler cake?

How is that different from demanding that religious people serve your big fat gay wedding? Chaim Amalek writes: “I want some gay goy to demand a Hasid in Borough Park bake him a wedding cake. Just to watch our politicians … Continue reading

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