Category Archives: Homosexuality

Gawker Lost Its Balls In The Face Of A Gay Onslaught

We gotta stop shaming leading executives of media companies who hire porn star escorts. If only Gawker realized that gays were the most persecuted group ever in human history and have the most victim pokemon points, then surely they would … Continue reading

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Homosexuals Throw Human Excrement At Christians, And Wipe Their Anuses With Pages Of The Bible

Blog: When up to a thousand conservative Christian parents in Germany were protesting against a new pro-homosexual “sexual diversity” curriculum in their schools, homosexuals charged at them and thew human excrement at the Christians. They also ripped pages of the … Continue reading

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How Can We Sell Women’s Soccer?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I think the selling point is attractive girls. Women’s basketball fails cuz of too many big ugly women. But soccer women look like ‘girls next door’, at least compared to beasties in some other women’s … Continue reading

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Who Shapes America?

Joe Biden: “What affects the movements in America, what affects our attitudes in America are as much the culture and the arts as anything else. … It wasn’t anything we legislatively did. It was ‘Will and Grace,’ it was the … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews Hire Mexicans To Protest At Gay Pride Parade

Story. No wonder every major Jewish organization supports immigration amnesty for America, but not for Israel.

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