Category Archives: Homosexuality

Gay Rights & The State Department

Ex-CIA officer Philip Giraldi writes: But even as the dust begins to settle the New York Times is reporting on a new existential crisis: same-sex marriages in the Foreign Service explored in an article entitled “State Department Fights for Rights … Continue reading

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How Can I Show Her That Judaism Welcomes Lesbians?

“This year is the first time my new non-Jewish daughter-in-law will be spending the high holidays with us. She and my daughter will be coming up from New York City…” From the Forward: Going into an unfamiliar religious environment can … Continue reading

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Planned Inhumanities: From Roe to Obergefell

Robert Oscar Lopez writes: The flip side of the disposable child, of course, is the child as a desired commodity. Since people can be thrown out when they are not convenient, they can also be manufactured and maintained through industrialized … Continue reading

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A Jewish Approach To Same Sex Attraction

A letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe to a person with Same Sex Attraction: By the Grace of G-d 25th of Shevat, 5746 Brooklyn, N.Y. Greeting and Blessing: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of Jan. 26th, in which … Continue reading

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Jewish Hedge Funders Push Gay Marriage

From CNBC: The U.S. Supreme Court decision Friday in favor of same-sex marriage was welcomed by a perhaps surprising group: conservative hedge fund managers. Dan Loeb of Third Point, Paul Singer of Elliott Management, Steve Cohen of Point72 Asset Management … Continue reading

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