Category Archives: California

Driving California

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Weren’t liberals arguing that the crime rates for illegals are relatively low because they want to keep a low profile? According to that logic, their accident rates should go up if you grant them driver’s … Continue reading

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What Type Of Bedrock Supports The Oroville Dam?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Former geologist here. What I’ve gleaned from Steve’s commentariat (but emphatically not from following the mainstream news) is that the multiple failures at Oroville are not uncorrelated, because they trace back to a fundamental issue: … Continue reading

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The Lazy River Has Never Been Lazier

Comments at Steve Sailer: * South Park did an episode with the boys going to a water park and it being swamped with minorities, to Cartman’s horror. The B-plot consisted of Kyle’s disgust with with the percentage of pee in … Continue reading

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Will Trump Be Overthrown By A Revolution?

Steve Sailer: “Sometimes I think that the only thing holding back the American Color Revolution is that the Coalition of the Fringes can’t agree over what color it should be.” Comments at Steve Sailer: * The right is largely suppressed … Continue reading

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Banc of California chief resigns amid SEC inquiry

Remind me to never bank at any bank spelled “Banc.” It’s un-American. Los Angeles Times: Steven Sugarman, the chief executive of fast-growing Irvine lender Banc of California, resigned on Monday, the same day the bank announced it is under investigation … Continue reading

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